Martin Shaw
Martin Shaw is a teacher of ancient myths and their relationship to the times we’re in. He is the author of the award-winning Mythteller trilogy (A Branch From The Lightning Tree; Snowy Tower; Scatterlings) and other acclaimed works, published by Cista Mystica press. He lived in a black tent for four years, listening to what remains of the English wilderness.
As well as teaching worldwide and running masters courses at Schumacher College in Devon, Martin founded and runs the extraordinary Westcountry School of Myth:
This learning community on Dartmoor in the far west of the United Kingdom, believes that myth has something vital to say about the condition of both our lives and the earth. That certain stories we need right now arrived, perfectly on time, about five thousand years ago.
Central to this is the notion that culture and wildness have experienced an artificial separation, and that both initiation and myth can create what Shaw calls a Culture of Wildness. It is such a culture that the school and its scholars endeavour to raise up.
We are delighted to have Martin’s work available from Hedgespoken Press in the Seven Doors in an Unyielding Stone collection. You can see more of his work at the Cista Mystica website.