Tom Hirons
Generally furious about the brutalised world, Tom has tried various approaches to doing something about it. These days, Hedgespoken travelling storytelling theatre and Hedgespoken Press are his main focus, an elliptical approach to changing the world, blessed with plenty of Trickster and a good helping of unfathomable magic, in between trying to be a decent father. See the Hedgespoken website for more about what he and Rima are up to with storytelling and enchantment.
Sometimes a Wild God has been an international poetry phenomenon and has sold over 8000 copies, direct from this shop and in person. You can read more about it (as well as lots of Tom’s other writing) on Tom’s website here.
Tom's work has appeared in the Dark Mountain books, some in the Earth First! Journal and some in EarthLines magazine. Check all of those out – there’s good things to be found.
Essentially a cheerful fellow driven to fury by our circumstances, Tom is calmed most effectively by walking on Dartmoor, by sleeping in the deep greenwood and by the sound of true words spoken. He is the father of two wild-hearted and extraordinary sons. Tom lives in South Devon, sometimes in a truck, sometimes in a house. Always close to the hedge.